Sabtu, 04 Juni 2016

News Articel

In Humanities Faculty, there are some majors, and one of it is the  Japanese Literature. Now, we are going to talk about the lecturer and as well as the coordinator of the study program of Japanese Literature, a strong woman, tough, and of course beautiful that is  Idah Hamidah sensei. She studying graduated from Padjajaran University in Jatinangor take study literature program and then pursue the master degree at Indonesia University in Jakarta take linguistics subject. She move to Purwokerto on December 2004 assigned as a civil servant. Previously, she was teaching at the Faculty of Political (FISIP) before on the move to the Humanities Faculty (FIB) on May 2005.

In addition to her profession as a housewife and lecturer, mom with two children are also giving or involved in other information in the campus as source as well as counselors to student. One event is successful we interviewed, which are about student activities (PKM). On Friday, the college of humanities at one of the room are often used for seminars and socialization in the bulding of our faculty. The participants and guests many come from among the students.

Mothers who comes from the sundanese had argue to us last week, about student, she said  that student is a human gifted naturally with the process.  We had recorded some reviews on the socialization of the last Friday. And we all must know, that student activities by five of which is quite important and interesting, as follows :

·         PKM K ( Entrepreneurial) The students were given cash capital of twelve millions in one proposal.

·         PKM T  (The Application of Technology )

·         PKM C  (Find The Discovery)

·         PKM M (Commitments to teach) in elementary, junior, or senior high school

·         PKM P   (Research) This activities which is able to replace the thesis need not thesis, this activity is given credit and on the move by some institutions.

Here this a student who managed to pass the selection of students activities (PKM) in guided by Idahsenseiandconcidence comes from study program is japanese literature too ;

·         PKM P, The research from Humanities  Faculty, the proposal is about how to defend characters of Java High School level

·         PKM M, In the field service Teaching in an orphanage, in Kaliputih Purwokerto

·         PKM M, Community in Cilacap, Emprower teens to greet the day of independence of Indonesia.

We have managed to summarize the results of talks through the interview, that interest studentsini this activities is commitments to the community by teaching elementary, junior and senior high school. It proves that Idah sensei not just a lecturer, a very strong woman and beautiful, but she managed to guide her students deliver in a positive direction through some socialization and students activities.